Directions To Eastwood CFC

Directions To Eastwood CFC

Address: Coronation Park, Chewton Street, Eastwood, Nottinghamshire, NG16 3HB.

Directions By Car:

Via The M6:

Via The M1 / M69:

Directions By Train:
Langley Mill railway station is approximately 1.6 miles from the ground and it will take around 30 minutes to walk.
Taxis are available from either outside Langley Mill station or from the taxi rank at the bus station in the town centre.

Walking from the train station:
Leave the station and come out onto the main road. Keep going along this road passing McDonalds / KFC on your right. At the next roundabout head towards B&Q on the right hand side then head up Derby Road until you reach The Sun Inn pub on the left cross over the road heading into the town centre passing Oliver's Pub & Kitchen on the right and Dog & Parrot on the left. Head down Nottingham Road until you reach Eastwood Ambulance/Fire Station on the right, pass this and three houses until you reach some steps, go down the steps turn left and then follow the path into the ground.

Directions By Bus:
Trentbarton's Rainbow 1 Bus currently leaves the Nottingham Victoria Bus Station from Bay 7 & 8 and takes a little under forty minutes to arrive at Edward Road Bus Stop just outside the ground. Unfortunately, there isn't access from the road to the ground so you will need to continue along Nottingham Road, turning left at the steps before you reach Eastwood Ambulance and Fire Station on the left. Go down the steps turn left and then follow the path into the ground.